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'Deepen with Christina' by Christina Weber

Welcome to 🎙Deepen with Christina! 

Aug 28, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: Life shifts, changes, and molds as new relationships enter. Sarah Anne Stewart seeded what ultimately became Underground Unattached (UU). A former model, Sarah, guides humans toward greater fulfillment. After hosting numerous wellness retreats she received many requests - from men and women - to...

Aug 20, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: Imagine life if men realized their life purpose to make women happy. And if all women were lovers of men. Christina talks about Feminine versus Masculine energy with Brian Howie of "The Great Love Debate" and Amanda Young of "Urban Goddess Retreats." Are we all just spiritually malnutritioned?...

Aug 3, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: We kick off Your Love Accomplice journey - and give a sneak peek at the path ahead!