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'Deepen with Christina' by Christina Weber

Welcome to 🎙Deepen with Christina! 

Sep 28, 2021

Attended by 200+ people, Unleash! just wrapped its 3-Day Transformational Festival. Top Experience Designer and Master Coach, Yarixa Ferrao and a team of 50 people created a sober-free experience at Heartland Collective Campground just north of Sacramento that blew people open. The theme ‘Heaven on Earth’ intended to ignite participants into their fullest expression did just that—by way of performance, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tantra, dance, breathwork, and two main rules: 1. No Substances and 2. Practice Consent.

The event's WhatsApp chat has not stopped pinging with stories of transformation since the event. Think rolling epiphanies. Movie-worthy.

Early in the episode you’ll hear Yarixa vulnerably share how she opened Unleash!, using EFT to forgive herself for being molested and for molesting her brother as a child in front of the entire group. Her share is a rampage that you’ll be sure to want to listen to again.

A coach to surely become a household name, meet Coach Yarixa once again following her premiere on episode 003.

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