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'Deepen with Christina' by Christina Weber

Welcome to 🎙Deepen with Christina! 

Jun 6, 2022

Dr. Weiss is a psychotherapist, an award-winning author, and a teacher. His decade-long work on understanding the internal lives of men culminated with his recently published bestseller “Hidden in Plain Sight: How Men’s Fears of Women Shape Their Intimate Relationships”.

Dr. Weiss is a regular contributor to Psychology Today and offers workshops nationally about psychotherapy with men and helping men and women understand each other.

Listen in as he shares about:

  • 7 ways men are afraid of women,
  • The "Still Face Experiment" by Dr. Edward Tronick,
  • Some fundamental differences between men and women,
  • And his own love life.

You can discover more about Dr. Avrum Weiss and his work at