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'Deepen with Christina' by Christina Weber

Welcome to 🎙Deepen with Christina! 

Dec 25, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: Trying to predict how to share what's on your mind so that others receive it well can be exhausting. My guest, Robert Schwenkler, Founder of The Brotherhood Men's Leadership Community, lovingly speaks his truth even if you don't like it. Robert, who first said no to being on this podcast,...

Dec 21, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: Lightworkers help us remove blind spots. Prior to recording this episode, I experienced a Bone and Reiki Healing session with Ssanyu Birigwa, also a Practitioner of Narrative Medicine. Listen as we recap the session. Through deep inner work, guided by the anxiety in my chest, my mindset around...

Dec 11, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: I have a theory that a man's life purpose is to make women happy. Nick Spano, founder of Re/Creation Cafe, doesn't exactly agree. He believes the purpose of his life is to love so greatly, with such devotion to love itself, that his love impacts the world around him. The byproduct of which makes...

Dec 4, 2017

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: A conversation with Comedian Ross Everett feels like recess. We each throw out thoughts and catch epiphanies like children in a sandbox. While it appears that we may have it all "figured out," I can imagine sitting back down with him in 10 years and laughing about how far we've come. Ghosting, the...