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'Deepen with Christina' by Christina Weber

Welcome to 🎙Deepen with Christina! 

Jul 30, 2018

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: Shame, Jim Carrey, and a vulnerability hangover flushed through my consciousness before entering this conversation with Anthony David Adams. Anthony, a Relationship Coach and part owner of Majagual (an island in Panama), and I are seekers, explorers of life and the human psyche. Relational love may...

Jul 16, 2018

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: Do you feel your biological clock ticking? Gina Patel, age 38, desired to be a mother. Rather than wait for the "right man" to arrive and potentially miss her child-birthing years, she chooses insemination. And while the road has been filled with unforeseen challenges, Gina now has a beautiful...

Jul 9, 2018

YOUR LOVE ACCOMPLICE: My long-time friend and former flatmate, Danielle, of New York City, and I connect for a conversation about love. The morning of this recording, I suggested relationship coaching as a therapeutic form of reflection and catalyst for growth. In this intimate portrayal, Danielle struggles...